about me

Hi! I´m Alina!

A little about me...

Douro River, Porto

I live in a beautiful city called Porto in north of Portugal.
I believe in a healthy life style with good food, friends and an amazing view. 😉
My work have been about nutrition and wellness, working in organic food stores and natural suplements.
It´s all about understanding what is good for you and the planet.

I was born in Braga and grew up in Faial Island, Azores. Both places have beautiful nature landscapes with the unique opportunity to do things like climb volcanos, trails, whale watching or just a simple walk and dive into the nearest waterfall.

In my free time I enjoy read books, hiking.. ride a bike, spent time with friends/family and travel!

Pico Island, Azores 2351m

Caniçada, Braga city

Since last year I´ve been learning to code at Shecodes improving my skills with each finished project.
It was a surprise for me to enjoy coding so much and I intend to continue.

On the path to creat even more funcional and beautiful web sites. 😎

Have a look at my projects